
Broken Pieces

“Broken Pieces to Master Pieces: Becoming More Through Brokenness” delves into the profound concept of brokenness—and the many emotions it evokes, such as pain, loss, and disappointment. While these feelings can be uncomfortable, they are universal experiences that resonate with everyone at some point in life.

This insightful book does not glorify the trials believers face—whether from human challenges or spiritual battles—nor does it encourage others to endure hardships merely to serve God better. Instead, it emphasizes the transformative power of brokenness and how it allows God to work through us more effectively.

Drawing inspiration from the Gospel of Mark, Chapter 6, the text reveals that by humbling ourselves, we can achieve remarkable things. The famous story of Jesus feeding the thousands with a few loaves and fish offers deeper insights and applications that can profoundly impact our lives.

If you are ready to turn your broken pieces into a masterpiece, this book is your guide to discovering strength and purpose through brokenness. Join us on this transformative journey!

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Venenatis duis tristique accumsan netus enim in posuere torquent ut ullamcorper integer aliquam a mi curae elementum. Maecenas iaculis viverra tellus ridiculus a sed vestibulum dapibus.

Curabitur Velit​

Quam suspendisse adipiscing quis pretium nostra cubilia tristique nam non ac placerat nascetur a vel.

Curabitur Velit​

Quam suspendisse adipiscing quis pretium nostra cubilia tristique nam non ac placerat nascetur a vel.

Additional information

Weight 0.8 kg
Dimensions 6 × 5 × 1 cm


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