365 Day “ NEW” Morning Decree Devotional Journal


Morning Decrees

Start your day with intention and purpose through “Morning Decrees.” This uplifting devotional journal is the result of over three years—1114 consecutive mornings—dedicated to sharing the Word of God across social media and via conference calls. Participants found inspiration and spiritual nourishment each morning, and now you can experience the same transformative journey!

“Morning Decrees” is designed to deepen your relationship with God and strengthen the discipline necessary for meaningful spiritual growth. As followers of Jesus Christ, it’s essential to cultivate daily routines that foster genuine connections with Him. This journal offers a structured approach to incorporate prayer, reflection, and scriptural affirmations into your mornings.

With this devotional, you’ll establish a powerful morning routine that prioritizes your spiritual well-being and enhances your daily life. The insights and decrees included will guide you in finding clarity, purpose, and motivation each day.

Are you ready to enrich your mornings and strengthen your faith? Embrace the opportunity to cultivate a deeper, more intimate experience with God. Begin your journey today with “Morning Decrees”—a vital tool for your spiritual growth. Transform your mornings, and transform your life!

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Feugiat Parturient

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Venenatis duis tristique accumsan netus enim in posuere torquent ut ullamcorper integer aliquam a mi curae elementum. Maecenas iaculis viverra tellus ridiculus a sed vestibulum dapibus.

Curabitur Velit​

Quam suspendisse adipiscing quis pretium nostra cubilia tristique nam non ac placerat nascetur a vel.

Curabitur Velit​

Quam suspendisse adipiscing quis pretium nostra cubilia tristique nam non ac placerat nascetur a vel.

Additional information

Weight 0.8 kg
Dimensions 6 × 5 × 1 cm


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